is an artist, researcher, curator and professor. Her work includes interventions in public spaces, network projects and mobile apps. Her artistic and investigative practice is based on a critical approach towards digital media and their information systems. Beiguelman is Associated Professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP), where she specializes in digital art conservation, intangible heritage, and interface design. She also does work on the aesthetics of memory, and has organized exhibitions including Memória da Amnesia, at the Municipal Archive (São Paulo, 2015), where she explored what she terms the “politics of oblivion” in connection with São Paulo city landmarks. Author of many books and articles about digital culture, she is the editor of Possible Futures: art, museums and digital archives.
Howard BESSER (US)
is a scholar of digital preservation, digital libraries, and preservation of film and video. He is Professor of Cinema Studies and the founding director of the NYU Moving Image Archiving and Preservation Program (“MIAP”), a graduate program in the Tisch School.[1] Besser is a prolific writer and speaker, and has consulted with many governments, educational institutions, and arts agencies on digital preservation matters. He was closely involved in development of the Dublin Core and the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS), international standards within librarianship.
directs the Exhibition Strategies Division at the Department for Image Science at the Danube University. On the academic staff at the Department for Image Science since 2005, she is responsible for curricula development, teaching working professionals, and support of research initiatives. She is responsible for master of arts programs related to digital cultural life, its histories and futures and is primary coordinating staff for the low-residency program MediaArtHistories and the EU-funded Erasmus Mundus European Master of Excellence program in Media Arts Cultures. She is the founder of the MediaArtHistoriesArchive, following the Re:fresh conference in 2005.
researches at the forefront of interactive and immersive experiences for galleries, libraries, archives and museums. She was introduced before her keynote this morning. In 2017, Sarah was appointed Professor of Digital Museology at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) where she is building a new lab to explore the convergence of aesthetic practice, visual analytics and cultural data.
Marianne PING HUANG (DK)
Associate Professor at School for Communication and Culture, Aarhus University (AU). She is currently collaborating with European Capital of Culture Aarhus 2017. MPH serves in DARIAH-EU as Co-Head for DARIAH Research and Education and organised DARIAH Innovation Forum 2017 (DARIAH Humanities at Scale, Horizon 2020). 2015- Member of Europeana Research Advisory Board. Recent Publication: 2016 “Archival Biases and Cross-Archival Sharing”, Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling.
assumed direction of the MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art in 2011. He was Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum New York from 1999 to 2007. He is furthermore Head of the Vienna Biennale, which he founded in 2015, and has published on topics dealing above all with European integration and with contemporary culture and art, and has held numerous lectures on these topics.