

Important: The call for papers has closed

First Call

The first call ended 15 August 2018.

First call - deadline 15 August 2018: is a call for topics and expressions of interest in participation, from persons (individuals, institutions or teams), who would like to chair, review, curate or volunteer their time to other conference work. We are particularly interested in expressions of interest that address research and ideas that are based on deep analysis / reflections/ perspectives concerning a wide range of sound-related issues which take into consideration the general conference description and profile. We are also and particularly interested in perspectives, topics and propositions that we did not (yet) consider.

Proposals should use this template and contain max two page description of the persons involved, proposed level of engagement (chair, curator, volunteer on other levels) of those persons, and the proposed topic or idea (one topic / idea pr proposal), explaining its format: i.e. if it is thought out as a general topic track for the conference or as a specific workshop or a panel (or something different from this). Included should also be contact- and affiliation details of all persons involved.

Please note that we regard all proposals to be expressions of interest to act as reviewers in the second call review process, unless wishes to not review is explicitly requested.Please use this template when submitting your proposal. All proposals will be reviewed by the conference chairs and notifications will be send out by 25 August.

To submit a proposal for this first call, please send an email by 15 August to the conference chair Morten Søndergaard at mortenson@hum.aau.dk

Important: Please remember to use this template when submitting!

Second Call

The second call ended 15 October 2018.

Please read the overview of tracks and submit your proposed presentation on the online submission platform.